Music to our Ears

With regard to music for our trip, we knew at the time of purchase that we would have to remove the “tape deck” that came with our van and replace it with a more current music option.  Last year we replaced the stereo with one that takes CD’s and has a USB port and Bluetooth.  So now  it boiled down to three options:

1) we could take a busload of cd’s

2) we could take a few of our favorite cd’s and hate them by the time we got back

3)we could load an iPod with thousands of songs and play them through the stereo via Bluetooth.

Option 3 seemed like a no-brainer.  Now we’re in the process of filling the iPod with music that we both like.  This is a much more difficult and time consuming task  than we expected!  Neither of us have much experience with iTunes so we’re learning along the way…flipping back and forth among playlists and deciding whether to put a specific song in  a “shaggin'” song list or a “driving” song list, a “general” songIMG_1438 list, etc.  We were half way through creating the various playlists when we noticed that some of them were in two lists!  After painstakingly writing things out and checking one list against another, we discovered we could just right-click on a song to find out what playlists it is in….Oh, the woes of trip planning in an electronic world!

CCR, Eagles, The Guess Who, Chilliwack,  Bob Seger…get ready to entertain us on the road!


The Art of Blogging

Well, I’ve decided to hone my blogging skills by practicing on two short trips we have planned before our big cross country excursion.

As of March 4, 2016, you will be able to join us at Stoneridge Resort in Blanchard, Idaho.

imageFor more information about the resort:

I would appreciate if each of you make comments regarding my blog.  What do you like?  What is not necessary?  What about the tone?  the look?   Your critiques will help me get used to doing this so that when we do the big trip in June I won’t be wasting time and effort figuring this all out.

I look forward to our blogging adventure!   Thanks in advance.


Preparing for our Trip Across Canada


We’ve just realized we’re only about three months from our departure date…it sounds like a lot of time but it goes so quickly!.

Jim is busy copying tons of music to our i-pod so that we have a great selection to listen to while we’re on the road.  Right now we have 50 Nursery Rhymes on it that we uploaded for Carlo to listen to and they have got to go!!!  Nothing more annoying than cruising along listening to Bob Seger and then all of a sudden we’re listening to Baa Baa Black Sheep!

I’ve been busy researching places along the way and getting tips from other travellers so we don’t miss any of the “must-see” places across this vast country of ours.

And of course, letting people know that we hope to drop in for a visit along the way…difficult when you don’t have a scheduled itinerary so we will have to take our chances.

Plan is to leave around the 1st of June…can we expect to see the gas prices remain low as they are now?  78.9 and under would sure be nice!